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The little stinker did it again

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I always thought it would be cool to build a rocking horse and now that Conor is 1 year old, I thought he might enjoy it. I've been collecting rocking horse pictures for about a month now and curating them on my Pinterest account. This morning, I drew up a few plans and the parts list and headed out to a lumberyard to get the wood.

I was planning on making it from walnut but there wasn't much to be had so I decided to make it out of spanish cedar. I've never worked with Spanish cedar but I've heard that boat builders love it because it's so easy to work with. I got the wood home and began to cut out the parts. At first, I thought the hardest part was drawing the head from scratch. But it wasn't actually that hard. I just sketched it on a piece of plywood and it looked like a horse's head so I cut it out. I still need to trace the plywood template onto the cedar but that can wait. The hardest part was cutting the compound angles for the legs. What was I thinking when I designed that part? It ate up most of the day but I think I' got it looking pretty good. I'll report as I build. But here's how chaotic my workbench looked today as I was working. - See more at: