Blog - The Daily PoopThe little stinker did it again

Don't choke on that candy cane, Frosty!

My next door neighbor is a fireman and told me that during Christmas time, firemen all over the country get an onslaught of phone calls of kids choking on candy canes. He told me of a kid just last week who had swallowed his candy cane and it got stuck sideways in his throat. His parents called 911 and were in a panic. The fire department arrived and the little boy was crying. His parents were still screaming and begging the firemen to do something. The commander noticed the boy was crying and knew the boy wasn’t choking. He told everyone to settle down and he started talking to the boy. When the ambulance arrived, they too did nothing but talk to the boy. The parents kept wanting someone to do something. But the firemen and the EMT knew that eventually, the candy cane would melt and the boy would be fine. They just stood by in case the candy cane moved and got lodged and cut off the wind pipe. The thing to remember is, if a person is able to cry or scream, they’re not choking. They are breathing and they may be uncomfortable but they are fine.

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